Good House Plants In Your Home Can Improve Your Health

  • Some houseplants are known to help purify the air.
  • A horticulturist said keeping a plant is also linked with therapeutic benefits.
  • There are plenty of low-maintenance plants you can keep that could fit your lifestyle.

“There is actually a lot of scientific evidence that adding plants to any workspace or living environment actually does help to reduce stress,” Horticulturist Marc Hachadourian said. “There are obviously therapeutic effects of caring for plants and gardening has been shown to decrease blood pressure and reduce stress, so the benefits go beyond […] helping to clean the air and add oxygen.”

Here are some of the most popular houseplants that are especially good for your air — and how to care for them.

1. Golden pothos

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Although this plant isn’t great at removing formaldehyde, it does remove other chemicals like benzene and trichloromethyl from the air, according to the NASA clean air report. Benzene is in glue, paint, and detergent.

Golden pothos are also especially hard to kill, according to Rodale’s Organic Life, making it a great starter plant for horticulture newbies.

How it grows best: This plant tolerates low-light conditions and irregular watering, according to The Spruce.

2. Peace lilies

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This plant removes benzene, formaldehyde, and other chemicals emitted from harsh cleaning products, according to Rodale’s Organic Life. Bonus: it’s one of the few plants that can actually bloom indoors.

How it grows best: Place your Peace lily in indirect light near a window, Southern Living reports. Water it only when the soil is dry, and be careful not to over-water.

3. English ivy

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English ivy has been found to filter out formaldehyde and, according to HuffPost, is the number one air-filtering houseplant. It’s especially good for people who are sensitive to smoke, CNN reports.

How it grows best: Ivy prefers indirect light, and you shouldn’t let the plant dry out, according to The Spruce.

4. Ferns

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Ferns can increase air humidity. This boost of moisture can help make sure your air and your skin don’t get too dry, Health Essentials reports.

How it grows bets:This plant’s soil should be wet but never soggy, and it thrives in indirect light, according to Apartment Therapy.

5. Bromeliads

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Bromeliads purify the air of benzene and can absorb up to 90% of the chemical, CNN reports.

How it grows best: Bright and sunny spaces are ideal for Bromeliads. The plant is known to withstand drought so be careful not to over-water, the official website for the plant reports.

6. Snake plant

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The Snake plant is especially perfect for your bedroom. Not only does it remove benzene and formaldehyde, but it absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night, HuffPost reports.

How it grows best: You should let the soil dry between watering and place this plant in indirect light, Apartment Therapy reports.

7. Spider plant

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Spider plants are good at fighting pollutants, HuffPost reports. One type of spider plant— the Chlorophytum comosum — can specifically absorb 90% of formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, two chemicals found in cigarette smoke, CNN reports.

How it grows best: This plant needs access to indirect light and only needs to be watered once a week, according to Apartment Therapy.

8. Bamboo plant

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This plant will bring you more than good luck. According to Healthline, it can eliminate formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide, xylene, and chloroform from the air.

How it grows best: Indirect sunlight is best for a bamboo plant; however, it will still slowly grow in less light, SFGate reports. You need to change the water once a week.

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