The Dirtiest and Grossest Things in Your House

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It’s not fun at all thinking about the things in our home that are the germiest, but it’s important to know. There are most likely some things in your home that are breeding grounds for germs that could be making you and your family members sick. When was the last time you cleaned these 7 […]

How To Clean Nasty Window Tracks

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When you’ve got some nasty window tracks, here’s the simple trick you need to know to make them shine! Gather these basic supplies: white vinegarbaking sodapaper towelrag or clothold toothbrushbutter knife Follow these steps: 1. Start with the baking soda Sprinkle a little baking soda wherever the gunkiest places are, most likely in the corners. […]

7 Laundry Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make

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Even if you’ve been washing your clothes for years and think you know how to do laundry, these common slip-ups can cause unnecessary damage to fabrics, fit, and more. Don’t just sort lights and darks clothing The more you sort the laundry, the fresher your clothes. Separate very dirty or muddy clothes apart from lightly […]

Restaurant Cleaning Services

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Restaurant janitorial services are a key component of maintaining a professional, welcoming environment for your diners. A clean restaurant not only looks great – it allows you to deliver delicious meals to your customers while maintaining high levels of food safety. A clean restaurant is a healthier restaurant, and professional restaurant cleaning services can help […]

Reliable House Cleaning Professional To Hire

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Tip Top House Cleaning Services Provider Finding the most suitable house cleaning service provider is no easy task. This is the case especially when one is seeking these services for the first time. As much as there might be many service providers in the industry, choosing the best is always the right decision to make. […]

The Benefits of Steam Cleaning

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Did you know that you can use steam cleaning to clean almost every surface in your house? When you have a new baby, your house might seem a lot dirtier than it did before. Harsh household cleaners can affect a baby’s eyes, airways, skin, and more. There is good news. By making simple changes and […]

Fridge Is The Most Hardworking Appliances In Your House

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Your refrigerator is one the most extensively used appliance in your house that does not even get a rest. Furthermore, it is often tortured with various spills, odors, and piles of leftovers and useless moldy food bagged securely waiting to be thrown away. Refrigerators will inevitably get a little messy – It’s time to reach […]

Measure To Save More Water

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As resources become more scarce, all of us have to play our part in preventing waste This isn’t too hard – in many aspects of daily life there are lots of things we can do to reduce water use. You can start by paying attention to the amount of water you use in your household […]

Dust Mites – What Are They – Where They Live

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We’ve all heard of dust mites – You can’t see them, but they’re all over your home. These tiny insects, visible only under a microscope, leave a trail of waste that is a highly allergenic. Dust mites, cousins to the spider, are tiny, eight-legged arachnids measuring only one-quarter to one-third of a millimetre in size. […]